Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Look into Sirtrack
            As new problems arise in our modern day society, new solutions will have to be implemented to deal with these challenges. One challenge that modern biologist face is keeping track of wildlife locations and where their tracks are generally located. This can be an important task for several reasons like recording travel for research and to help preserve wildlife by limiting contact with domestic livestock and humans. One method to keep track of wildlife is to utilize collars that have telemetry and can be tracked by satellites; one of the best systems to do this is using sirtrack. Sirtrack and the collars that it employs are tools that can help biologist keep track of wildlife and assist in their studies.
            Sirtrack is a company that specializes in wildlife tracking technologies that utilizes satellites and transmitters that are generally in the form of collars. Sirtrack collars have seen use by many different wildlife organizations in several different countries including Africa, Australia, and the United States. All of these countries utilize sirtrack as a means of wildlife management by coordinating with sirtrack satellites and handheld telemetry units. Sirtrack has changed many things about wildlife management. One important thing besides tracking the paths of wildlife is the ability to identify if an animal is still alive or if it potentially gave birth. This can be done by looking at the animal’s movements to determine how it is moving. With certain species the animal’s movements will change after giving birth, whereas when death occurs a lack of movement is the telltale sign.
            The advantages that sirtrack brings over older technologies is that basic radio telemetry was limited. A limitation that sirtrack overcomes is the ability to record data without human assistance. This provides a great deal more data to work with that doesn’t require keeping someone in the field on a constant basis. Another advantage that sirtrack possesses is the ability to find the location of collard animals even when the radio signals can’t be received. Since sirtrack uses satellites to record an animal’s location, however telemetry is reliant solely on radio waves which can be hard to receive if an animal is in a canyon.
            Sirtrack and its cutting edge technology are very promising and will likely lead to more developments in the future. Ability to have satellites record data about wildlife movements can provide a great deal of information and save biologists from a great deal of legwork. Sirtrack has demonstrated a very important idea that more data with less work is a key to success in the business of wildlife.


  1. While doing research on my post I came across a similar system. It was used to track elephants. The system would send a text message to farmers using the service so they knew when the animals were moving into the area. The farmers could then use defenses to keep them away instead of taking the chance on hurting the animals trying to chase them away after they have started damaging crops. This is Interesting stuff.

  2. While doing research on my post I came across a similar system. It was used to track elephants. The system would send a text message to farmers using the service so they knew when the animals were moving into the area. The farmers could then use defenses to keep them away instead of taking the chance on hurting the animals trying to chase them away after they have started damaging crops. This is Interesting stuff.

  3. nice article on such an important topic to rural communities, that both rely on and enjoy the outdoors. The technology you describe seems to be an awesome way to collect raw data, hopefully this data can be used to make good decisions that protect all parties interested.
